*The current submission window is 2/21/25 to 4/4/25 for this issue with a projected publication date of 5/24/25
*You should receive word from us by 5/15/25.
*For general questions please use the "contact us" at the bottom of the home page, thanks.
--We accept original, previously unpublished poetry (your personal website/blog/social media do NOT count) through our online submission form ONLY. If you have problems using our submission form, please email us.
--We ask that if you’ve been published with us before that you wait a year before submitting again.
--While there is no theme for the issue, we encourage you to look at previous issues to see the types of poetry we have published. We like poems that have a depth of feeling and do not shy away from the dark.
--We ask that you do NOT submit poetry that rhymes or capitalizes the first letter of each line,
--We accept and encourage simultaneous submissions, but if your work is accepted elsewhere, please let us know as soon as possible via email at inkandmarrowlit@gmail.com
-We ask for first-world serial rights and the right to archive your work on the website. Copyright reverts to the author upon publication.
-Ink & Marrow accepts up to three poems per poet.
-Each poem must be submitted in its own form.
-Please format submissions in single-spaced 12Pt Times New Roman or Arial fonts.
-One poem per document, please.
-Please use .doc or .docx file formats only.
-Remove any identifying information from your submission.
-Be sure to include any content warnings in the form.
-If you submit more than one poem, you only need to answer the non-required questions with your first poem.
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